Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Upcoming Event of Interest to CFFS Members

The Duke University Center for International & Global 
Studies presents

Is Diplomacy Enough?

In celebration of the 20th anniversary of the on-line journal American Diplomacy, there will be a screening of the film “America’s Diplomats” narrated by actress Kathleen Turner and a panel talk with three former US ambassadors and career foreign service officers, retired. They will address the critical interaction between the State Department and other US governmental foreign affairs agencies, including how the new President will depend heavily on our US Foreign Service to foster a seamless transition in international affairs from one administration to the next. This will be followed by a reception honoring Duke University’s former and next State Department Diplomats-in-Residence.

Ambassador Gwen C. Clare
(former US Ambassador to Ecuador)
Ambassador Michael W. Cotter
(former US Ambassador to Turkmenistan,
Publisher: American Diplomacy)
Ambassador Brenda B. Schoonover
(former US Ambassador to Togo)

Moderator: Dr. Giovanni Zanalda, Director – DUCIGS

Film: “America’s Diplomats” narrated by Kathleen Turner


The Ahmadieh Family Conference Hall

John Hope Franklin Center Room 240

This is event is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served.

Parking available across Trent Drive in the Pickens Family Medicine lot.

For information: Nancy Hare Robbins

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